I write on personal development and dating. It is not exactly the sexiest topic to write on, but I enjoy the positive impact it makes in other peoples lives. From time to time I like to reach out to other bloggers for advice, but more often than not, I like to do it to secure a
Guest Posting Sites List 2020 spot or a joint venture. Through this process of sending out emails, and also being on the other side of getting emails for guest post requests, I have some valuable tips on what works and what fails.
Sending an email to someone busy you first have to demonstrate value and that you actually read their site. I can not tell you how often I get emails from individuals who want me to accept a silly 250 word guest post pointing back to their 3 page online dating advice tips blog that only exists to get the commission for dating site offers. I hate those sites, and if you read my site they would know that. End result is their stupid email goes ignored and deleted. Instead, read the site owners blog for a few days.
Get a feel for who they are personally and take that into consideration when sending out an email. The next step is to demonstrate value. If your going to guest post, make sure it is a fantastic guest post and also make sure your site is worth linking to. In my own personal example, the people who email me just want to take from me. They do not provide any value. Remember before you demand anything from anyone, you have to prove your own worth first.
Lets talk about more strategic aspects of how the email should be structured. First, keep the email header short and specific: Like "Paid Speaking Opportunity", not "question" or "invitation for you". Next, you want to open up the email with: "hi blog owner"
Followed by: I am a big supporter of what you do. My favorite post is >insert post titleHi David, I am a big supported of what you do. May favorite post was on how you talked about over coming limiting beliefs. This really help me take my relationships with other people to the next level.
Quick question, would you be interested in a guest post for you site? It will be 1,000+ words and you can accept or reject it before hand. Let me know either way,
Thanks for your time, Bob
This is how your email should be structured when contacting an a list blogger. Show that you read the site, demonstrate value, give don't take, keep it short because I don't care about your back story and neither does anyone else, and keep it specific!