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Cherez 2 minuty ya uzhe stoyala na ulitse, kogda pod"yekhala yeyo Vol'vo. Eto byla belo-matovaya mashina, s otkidnym verkhom. Vyshla devushka v sinikh dzhinsakh i sportivnoy mayke, kotoraya podchorkivala ideal'nost' i gratsiyu yeyo figury. Molodaya osoba byla vysokaya rostom, u neyo bylo milaya mordashka, kotoraya svetilas' kakim-to svetom, a vzglyad byl takim plenitel'nym, i ot yeyo zelonykh bezdonnykh glaz stanovilos' tepleye i svetleye na dushe. Podoydya ko mne, ona ulybnulas' miloy privetlivoy ulybkoy