PANDORA – In the first council meeting of 2018, Mayor John Schlumbohm noted the accomplishments of the past year as well as new projects being planned for the
pandora smycken rea.
During the Jan. 9 council meeting, Schlumbohm sworn-in incumbent council members Paul Burkholder, Jeremy Liechty and Lee Eisenbach to a new four-year term. Tim Gray was also sworn in after being appointed to complete the four-year term of Dean Klingler who had to resign his council position due to moving out of the village. Council also unanimously re-elected Liechty as council president.
In his annual state of the village update, Schlumbohm summed up 2017 as more of a “planning year” rather than a “doing year”. A new 200,000-gallon water tower remains in the planning stage and will likely be the largest single project the village will encounter for the foreseeable future. He also noted Poggemeyer Design Group completed an income survey showing village residents are approximately 52.5% in the low to moderate income category meaning the
pandora berlocker rea has a better chance of obtaining grants and 0% loans when seeking funding for infrastructure projects. A Project Planning Spread Sheet, initiated by Klingler, was also instituted last year and will be of great assistance in budgeting for maintenance items and capital improvement projects, Schlumbohm said.
Improvements continue at the water treatment facility as two of the high surface pumps and motors have been rebuilt with a third scheduled for a major overhaul this year. Part of the major overhaul will consist of turning the motor that powers pump #3 into a “variable drive motor”. This will allow plant operators to maintain a constant pressure in the
pandora smycken rea and maintenance of the water tower.
Nu Systems, of Bay City Michigan, was hired to install a small induction facility near the wet well where the sewage is pumped from the village to the lagoon treatment facility. As the sewage is being pumped to the lagoons, enzymes and bacteria are introduced into the mix to help nature breakdown the sewage.
Police Chief Scott Stant was instrumental in securing a matching grant for a new police cruiser. The grant paid for approximately $17,000 of a $34,000 new police cruiser, which should serve the
pandora berlocker rea for the next eight to 10 years. Council also implemented new sidewalk legislation in 2017, earmarking $10,000 per year to be designated to improve village sidewalks. The first project included the 400 block on the north side of East Main Street.